The Bunny Haven collection is one of my favorite lines that I’ve created. These bunnies live in a happy little haven and are relaxed and stress-free surrounded by happy colors and gardens of flowers and sprouts.
My favorite one of the series above, Bunny Haven, which I built the collection around.
This one is called Ana’s Garden, named after the happy little baby that I nanny for. One day she’ll grow up and have a fun, colorful garden like this with bunnies running through it. You know, if she wants. The world is her oyster.
And this one is called Rosa in peach. See the rest of the collection in the first photo and they’ll slowly make their way into our online shop. Great for gifts in our pretty new card boxes.
See the whole collection at the National Stationery Show, Booth #1776!
I’d like to spend the two weeks before the show sharing some new designs I’ve been working on. I’ve been busy! These two came out really cute I think. What does “You Mean the World to Me” mean when you say it? What does it mean when 2 worlds say it to each other? Would they actually say you mean the galaxy to me? I drew Saturn as a pretty planet with rings she received from her boyfriend – Earth. Hope you like them!
New Rings is a wedding card. Inside greeting reads
“Hope you have a shiny, happy wedding & a sparkling marriage!
You Mean the World to Me Planet Card. Can be used for an everyday love card.
Cynla boxes are here! I’m so excited to show you our new packaging boxes for our boxed notes. They are made of kraft recycled paper and have a big, clear window with a cloudy cutout around my logo. Pretty, huh?
Our boxed notes come with 8 cards and kraft envelopes. I think they would look great on a store shelf. We invested a little extra to have a green pantone color added to make it look like a ribbon is going around the box that is part of our logo. So it looks like a little gift box! We’re adding a clear seal and they’ll be ready for the shelves in time for the National Stationery Show. I thought I was too busy to be excited, but I’m excited!
We’re making our official debut at the National Stationery Show 2013 this May 19-22. The countdown is on! I have been very busy creating new lines for the show, putting finishing touches on my debut catalog and getting my booth ready for this oh so exciting tradeshow. It’s going to be an amazing time meeting new people and hearing about their stores, displaying my greeting card lines amongst so many talented and veteran stationery designers, and finally getting to be a part of this giant tradeshow that is a huge part of this great paper industry.
If you are a wholesale buyer, stay tuned for the release of our first catalog! Many new designs will be up in our shop after the show. Our preview catalog can be viewed on our wholesale page.
Shown above is our NSS postcard featuring our popular Starry Cards. A whole line of Starry and Cloudy cards will be appearing at the show as well. Please visit Cynla in Booth #1776!
Have a happy, relaxing Easter filled with family, good food and easter eggs.
This is a preview of one of my new patterns – Bunny Haven. Cards coming soon!
Now that I’m a full-time freelancer/small business owner, I’ve been trying to find a balance between making new designs, marketing, blogging, pitching, preparing for a tradeshow, finding inspiration, not spending all of my time on the computer and keeping my sanity. I recently got my library card and have been reading actual books (gasp) and it’s so inspiring.
> Blog, Inc. by Joy Deangdeelert Cho
This book is a great roundup of blog up-and-running basics (from choosing a name to picking a platform), how to get out there and get readers, how to monetize your blog, how to protect your work, how to schedule your time, and beyond the blog (publishing, collaborating, hosting a retail shop.)
The chapters are interspersed with interviews with successful bloggers – which are extremely interesting and helpful to see real-life examples. Have you heard of Regretsy? A funny blog about terrible and funny items on etsy. Or Color Collective? Lauren creates color palettes from photos, fashion and art – great for some color inspiration. The book interviews them and others on how they started and what opportunities blogging has brought them.
My #1 takeaway is… Blog about something you’re passionate about. Something you can talk about and be passionate about everyday. If you think adding DIY craft projects to your blog will just help you get more traffic, and your heart is not in it, maybe you should focus your topics more (something I’m struggling with).
The cutest book trailer I’ve ever seen.
Oh Joy’s blog.
Buy Blog, Inc. on amazon. They also had it at my local library.
A live chat about Blog, Inc.
I’d love to hear from new blog authors, share tips, what’s working for you, how you love/hate blogging, etc. You can leave a comment or contact me at cindy {at}
Photo via Design Sponge, one of the best, inspiring design blogs out there.
My top selling cards recently have been my Quitting Cards! I have had many single sales, but a non-smoking support group placed a big order as well. It may have to do with the new year and a new wave of people quitting smoking. I love supporting this cause and after my tradeshow, will have time to develop more quitting card designs.
Have you quit something this year?
It has also got me thinking.. in 10-20 years, will there be as many smokers quitting? What will we be quitting then? Not that we need something new to quit..
This keep truckin’ design was created after I “interviewed” my friend Brian who has quit smoking for a couple years and is still successful. He said that you just have to white-knuckle it, keep trucking, and keep at it. I’m sure there is no other feeling like this and I’m so proud of my quitting friends. He also has said that the reason he doesn’t start again is because quitting is the amazingly difficult part and he doesn’t ever want to quit again. It sounds like good motivation to me. (There is a card in there somewhere.. don’t quit again? Stick with quitting?)
It’s really inspiring to do this for your family and for yourself. So here it is.. I lost my dad to cancer from smoking. It’s really important to me to support quitting in some way, and supporting quitters makes me feel like I have some sort of say now, or control over this thing that has greatly affected me. If there were as many resources for quitters then as there are now, maybe he could’ve had help quitting. I understand it’s hard, but this is one of those things that only gets harder. I’ll just leave it at that.
Anyways, I hope people enjoy these cards and I hope it helps the people quitting – letting someone know you support them in this difficult obstacle.
When you google “quit card” images, my cards show up on the first page! Lots of people have been finding them that way. Thanks for keeping my ratings up. If you want to support my quitting cards, please like them on Etsy, share them on pinterest or facebook (please link to either or, and buy them for that quitter you know and love. Thank you!
This is a Piglet Squid. No joke. How cute is this?
I am always inspired by crazy nature creations and I found a blog that shares the best of them. WTF, Evolution? shares some pretty odd animals that evolution must have created while it “was drunk.” This blog includes some funny conversations the author has with Evolution and I’ve included some here (in quotes) along with some crazy animals. Nature is pretty creative, beautiful and sometimes just weird.
“This pelican looks like a urinal. Go home, evolution, you are drunk.”
Pinocchio frog
Variable Neon Slug.
Goblin Shark. Scary.
Hairy frog fish. Another no joke.
A wattlecup catapillar.
“I’m going to put some huge spikes on it.” “Okay.”
“Now I’m going to put more spikes on the spikes.” “… okay.”
“And I’ll make them sting!” “Fair.”
“And I’ll color the whole thing like a bad acid trip.”
“That might be overkill, but all right. I guess you really like this one. I bet it’ll be especially beautiful once it metamorphoses into a butterfly, huh?”
“What? Oh, no, this one doesn’t turn into a butterfly. It’s a hairy brown moth.”
“Okay, what? Shut up, evolution, this cannot actually be a bird. Are you high?”
This is an Andean Cock-of-the-Rock and it’s Peru’s national bird. Didn’t actually see any when we were there.
Found this blog through Yes and Yes:: an awesome blog that shares awesome stuff, some titled “Web time wasters” so you’re warned. Sarah Von Bargen also shares a lot of amazing business advice.. which isn’t time wasting if I spend all day reading it, right? Right.
I’ve been a posting machine lately – lots of new cards available in the shop. Most of the recent ones are thank you’s or blank cards. Lots of uses for these blank cards – thanks for letting me borrow your car, thanks for getting us that wonderful gift, thanks for paying for drinks last night, thanks and great seeing you finally, thanks for being such a great friend.
A friend who bought this Cat Playing Card card gave it to a friend who loves cats and knitting. I love when you can find the perfect card for someone! There’s a rabbit version coming soon (of course).
aye, so yesterday you might’ve received some old posts – 10 of them to be exact – starting randomly with my Gobbling Turkeys from Thanksgiving! There was a hiccup with the email delivery system and that was totally unintentional and annoying. I apologize for any inconvenience. We’re working to figure out the issue or find a new email system entirely – might be a good time. Hopefully it was a one-time thing.
Please be patient and don’t leave us just yet – more exciting stuff coming soon, I promise.
Thanks for your understanding!
This pattern started with a flower and then bloomed into a bunch of different “flowers.” I have also just moved to Beacon, so we’re calling this one Beacon Bloom.
I’ve been creating lots of patterns lately and since most of them won’t appear as cards, I’ve decided to share them here. In the future, I’d like to license my designs to companies to put on their products.
I’m in awe of all the pattern designers out there and I’d like to share some of my favorites in the next couple posts.
I can picture Beacon Bloom on a clutch bag – wouldn’t this be cute? My husband said it would make good giftwrap. I loved patterned goods and I can’t wait to get my designs on some products! There will also be a new Cynla Licensing web page coming soon. I know you just can’t wait, right?
I love infographics and this one blows my mind a little. Here’s the link. You can scroll through things in the universe. I took a couple of screenshots, but you’ll have to click and drag the circle at the bottom to get the full picture. Above, the moon looks similar to the size of Austrailia. Below, the Statue of Liberty is compared to the size of the Eiffel Tower, dinosaurs and the Blue Whale. And the graphic even does buildings, mountains, planets and more down to the nucleus of a hydrogen atom. Nuts.
To keep things related, I’m coming out with a couple world and planet cards! So this graphic was helpful.
They are going to be cute! Sneak peek below.
Yesterday I wrote about a blog of love letters and it got me riled up about the importance of handwriting and snail mail.
Above and below are envelopes from the Leon & Muriel letters from 1946. I love the old paper and the decorating of the envelopes. He wrote “S.W.A.M.L.” (I’m guessing sealed with all my love?) and “1-4-3-4-4” (I love you very much?) on the envelopes.. compare that to the texting language of today and the acronyms and abbreviations people use now on their phones.
I think writing gives us a chance to express more than we would normally, or in a different way. It allows you to craft what you say and really think about what you want the person reading it to see and remember. If you’re reading this blog, you already know I’m a huge proponent of sending cards.
Did you know USPS is going to discontinue delivering mail on Saturdays? People are sending less and less letters and writing less in general.
Most states don’t require children to learn cursive writing anymore. This article shows some examples that the teen stars of today write like children. Writing is being replaced with typing.
I think it’s really sad and it reinforces my belief in sharing cards and investing in the stationery industry. Writing has made me more creative, led to drawing skills, and allows me to express myself more than a computer can. I have so many notes and sketches that capture my ideas, and even though they are not searchable, or sometimes not organized, they remind me of what I was thinking and feeling more than a spreadsheet can. I am more creative on paper. I know there are apps that can probably capture my sketches, but there is a quality to paper and ink, the smudginess of pencil, and the creative inspiration that comes with filling a page.
While I’m a huge proponent of graphic design and computers, it’s nice to be able to write and not rely on a computer. I’m going to go write a letter and mail it and it will take 1-3 days to get to my destination. So be it.
My pinterest board of snail mail-related stuff. Follow my pinterest boards.
Here’s some more pretty snail mail packaging.
The Oh So Beautiful Paper blog. Tons of pretty snail mail.
My husband had been carrying around love letters that his grandparents wrote to one another, moving them from apartment to apartment for about 6 years before deciding that he wanted to go through them all, read them and share them. He scanned them in, transcribed all the words after deciphering their handwriting, and created the Leon & Muriel blog. This collection consists of about 100 letters dated November 1946 – February 1947. They were found in his grandmother’s home after she passed away in 2004.
The letters were written before Leon & Muriel married and documented their time spent away from each other while they were engaged. What constitutes a love letter? They wrote about their love in every letter and how they greatly missed each other.
Nov. 16, 1946 from Leon to Muriel:: “I guess I have written enough about the school, and now I want to tell you how much I miss you. I have your picture in front of me and I keep looking at it with every word I write. I love you with all my heart and then some. Honey, if I don’t write every-day I don’t want you to wr worry its just that I am busy.”
But there is also bits of history in them. The rent was $40 a month, $3 for food a day, he went out with the “fellas.” The language is beautiful at times and nostalgic, romantic, angry, hopeful, bitter, and sweet at other times. There were mixed reactions from the family, saying that they were not the same people they were in these love letters. It’s a glimpse of their life and love as they saw it at the time.
Love is a complicated thing and I don’t think anyone understands the love between two people but the couple themselves, (if that). Reading these letters makes me think of the love I share, what I want to remember and write down or record, and how I want to more often put my words down on paper. The Leon & Muriel letters stopped when they were no longer apart and got married. Did they continue to tell each other they loved one another every day? Did they continue to call each other “dearest” and “honey” and say “I love you with all my heart?” I hope so.
I’ve read a month of them so far. Click here, scroll to the bottom of the list on the left and read along with me. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Dreaming Animals
I always wonder what animals are dreaming about, and this time I think I know..
We were in Panama in our hostel, relaxing outside and drawing in hammocks, when the hostel’s cat comes over with a bird in her mouth. The bird is still alive and flapping and the cat is trying to decide how to handle the situation. She goes under the table, under the bench, by the sidewalk.. feathers were flying and eventually I couldn’t watch anymore. [Stay with me, there are no photos of this : ) ]
My husband stays.. and as I’m turning the corner, he’s telling the cat that under the bench was probably the best idea because then the bird can’t fly away.
I come back and Rob says, “You missed it!” Apparently the bird had eventually played dead and the cat stopped pawing it for one second and it flew away. The cat was meowing at the sky and looking for the bird, begging it to come back. I love this picture below because the cat’s staring at the trees but it ironically looks like the bird on the wall is playing hard-to-get. Or lecturing the cat.
This is one instance where we know what this cat is dreaming about. Probably saying to herself, “I should’ve stuck with my first plan and went under the bench.” You almost feel sorry for the cat, but I felt more sorry for the bird. Look at this sad, dreamy cat! She’s definitely making it into one of my cards.
Here she is 5 minutes later, exhausted from bird-chasing. Oh, the life.
To see my dog dreaming post, click here.
Here’s a beautiful, intricate, time-staking stop-animation video. Enjoy! I can watch this over and over. Good for a snowed in day like today in NY. The song is nice too. It’s by Shugo Tokumaru’s and the song is Katachi, which means “shape.” If you’re impatient, skip the beginning.. it gets oh so much better.
Over 2,000 cut-outs were made and filmed. Amazing to watch and so creative. Love it.
This is a paper man jumping into water. So cool.
Found via Webdesigner Depot.
Speaking of mini garlands (from my post yesterday), I made this one for our engagement photos. I drew the letters making sure there were loops to put a string through and painstakingly cut it out of cardboard. Then I cut out a bunch of shapes from origami paper and modge podged them on. I ran a sharpie around the edges because, if you can’t tell by my designs, I need black outlines around most things.
We carried it around the day of our engagement pictures and I told the photographer that I wanted a picture focused on our names with us in the background. We actually had to tie it to a tree for this one. Came out pretty good, right? I used it for our electronic save the dates, shown below, that linked to our wedding website.
Now that I’ve dug this up, I want to make more!
I’ll also be sharing my wedding invitations and all of the wedding goodies I designed soon. It’s been almost 2 years since my wedding, but better late than never!
Ink Lemonade has a cute post 6 gifts you can send in an envelope. I love this image she created and you can read her list here. Her suggestions are for 1) a birthday garland, 2) $5 cupcake or favorite shop giftcard, 3) scratch ticket, 4) mini confetti bag, 5) mini moleskine notebook that you can write poems, messages, art or scavenger hunts in — love this idea, 6) balloons that you can even write messages on.
I’d like to add some of my own that I’ve done or want to do ::
– homemade bookmark with a favorite quote or little drawing
– stickers – everybody loves stickers
*- get your favorite pictures of you and the receiver, or your favorite places, etc. Order wallet prints from Walgreens for $1. [You can do this at the store in 2 seconds if you bring a flash drive with the images on it or order online and pickup/deliver. CVS also does this, but you get more prints and it costs a little more]. You get 4 mini prints that you can cut up and keep 1 for yourself, give 3 to friends. These are great for desks and since no one prints pictures as much anymore, it’s a great surprise and personal touch!
– giftcard for a kindle book
– take that mini moleskine notebook and write down some good and funny memories that you’ve shared. I like to write down funny quotes that people have said and then whip them out years later – it’s always hilarious and often not remembered.
– I also love this idea of a mini garland that you can send to someone and they can hang by their desk their birthday week. I’m picturing punching circles, putting their name across it, and writing or drawing little messages on the backs. Attach them to a string and voila. Also a great project for kids.
Have more ideas? Have you created any of these before? I’d love to see them!
Photo by Ink Lemonade. Post originally seen on Oh so beautiful paper.
The theme of my business, art and life is: Dream More, Stress Less. I’m on a constant search for inspiration for my cards and trying to figure out what animals are thinking and dreaming about has opened my eyes in a different way.
We were climbing up hills in the city of Cuzco in Peru to get to the highest point and came across this dog. He was sitting in the best spot overlooking the whole city. And you have to think.. what is he looking at? Is he just enjoying the view like we were? Did he spot a bird to chase? another dog? He laid down for a while, which makes me think he was enjoying the gorgeous view. Or was as tired as we were from climbing the hill…
I love being around animals. It seems like one of their main goals in life is comfort. They don’t stress about things they can’t control. They are always in the moment. Why am I worried about rushing up the hill to get to that exhibit before it closes? I’ll just sit with this dog and watch the sunset.
After he spotted us, the dog came over and put his dirty head in my lap. Despite my husband warning me not to pet stray dogs, I felt like I owed him some pets because I was already planning on using him as a model in a card. I think he knew it and was coming to get his payment. Moral of the story: Stop rushing up the hill and enjoy the scenery sometimes.
Here’s a preview of the card. Not being released until the Stationery Show!
Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Holidays, Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Everything! My 3 month trip was amazing, inspirational, challenging, and beautiful. We trekked through Peru, relaxed and were artistic in Costa Rica (made a lot of new cards!), and saw a lot of ocean life in Panama.
I’m signed up for the oh so exciting National Stationery Show in May at the Javits Center in NYC. It’s a tradeshow for all things stationery so I can meet buyers and sales reps to sell my products to stores around the world. I have a GIANT to do list and have the time to conquer it now that I have quit my job.
When I was working full-time, then coming home to work on my cards nights and weekends, I was really pushing myself. I wound up hurting my eyes (now have to wear glasses) and my wrist (on the way to carpel tunnel I’m sure). I couldn’t really jump into this card business and had a hard time leaving a steady paycheck and benefits. After weighing a lot of factors, something had to give and I quit.
Working on my own is scary and nerve-wracking, but I’m a lot less stressed out than I was now that I have the time to work on it and give it my all. It may sound strange, but now I have time to take breaks. I can give my hand a rest, my eyes a break from the screen, and my mind a break from designing. I’m more creative and it shows in my new work (being in sunny, beautiful Costa Rica probably helped too).
While you’re adding things to your to do list this year, and trying to stick to those resolutions, don’t forget to add something to quit. Quit worrying, quit watching too much TV, quit checking email every 2 seconds (Cindy), quit something that takes up negative space in your life to make room for something new.

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about me
Hi! Thanks for visiting. Drawing and creating has become a way for me to de-stress. I'd like to do it more often. This is a space for me to share my art and inspiration, my card designs, and to remind myself to stress less.
My card business and moving outside of NYC [gasp] is a new adventure in my life and I'm happy to be able to share it with you. Feel free to drop me an email cindy [ at ], leave a comment or two, or visit my website ( and shop (
Happy de-stressing!
~ Cindyfrom the shop
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