Kate sent me this photo of my relax print on her cozy porch. I might just have to go visit it and do some relaxing over there! Thanks for sharing Kate!
A necessity for every porch.
Relax print in mint.
Relax print in floral.
I’m updating my shop every Friday & Saturday with new listings! It’s about time, right?
This week, I’m offering you some special deals. If you wanted to try out some cynla cards, now’s your time to stock up! $21 includes shipping and peace of mind that you will have a card ready at any date.
Tomorrow, I’ll be adding 3 for $35 prints. That’ll save you $4 off each print. Crazy, I know.
Happy Friday! While you’re sitting back, with your Friday drink of choice, check out what’s new in the cynla shop.
Spent some restocking time with Kristy today at her store Clay, Wood & Cotton. It’s such a proud moment to see my cards on the racks — and especially nice to see her run out of them! New Rings (bottom right) sold through, as well as Starry Cat, always a favorite. Fireflies (top right) is new and has been getting lots of great feedback.
If you haven’t stopped in this store yet, and are close to Beacon, NY, get over there! They have a great selection of gifts, tea towels, home goods, cards and a whole yarn section for your next project.
Happy Wednesday! wireless Wednesdays are my productive days – whether that be productive in drawing, learning to relax (giving my eyes and hands a break is really important when I’m on the computer all day), or taking some time to get outside while the weather’s still nice.
Today, I’m making a wish. A wish to get one huge thing done today and off my To Do List. And part B of wish 1 is to get outside after I’m done.
I’ve been working on this new Make a Wish series and it’s almost finished, but I’ve been putting off the hard part until last. (Sneak peek above) Well, today is the day! Make a wish for today and stick to it – wishes just don’t happen by themselves, well sometimes.. but working on it helps push it along. And don’t forget to include a part B reward!
One of my best customers and new friend, put my Land of Make Believe print up in her new nursery. I love the cheery, yellow frame! And my prints have been rumored to send good vibes out for happy, healthy babies… Happy wishes to Shelly! Thanks for sharing.
Every Wednesday I’m reminding myself to get off the computer (/phone/tv), go outside and enjoy some nature. That’s why I moved out of the city, right? But wherever you are, it’ll be nice to enjoy some fall today. I actually do love the city in the scarf-wearing fall too.
I took these photos this past weekend. If you haven’t already, follow me on instagram. I’m slightly addicted to the ease of sharing photos and life on it. I take so many pictures and it feels a little more.. productive? social? purposeful? .. to share more of the photos I collect.
look at these pinks!
And a milestone – my semi-feral kitten after a year and a half is finally sitting on my lap!
B+ is my blood type, which I think is a fitting reminder because I’m trying to be a positive, supportive person to those around me and promote a positive, creative attitude in my designs.
But, this morning I was a crankpot. I was woken up prematurely by an all-consuming hammering noise and then all these negative thoughts started pounding in — I’ll never do all the work I want to do today so why bother, I’m not going to be a great designer by the end of the week, I have other stuff to worry about at the same time.. everything’s just too haaard.
So I went where some people go when they’re in a funk – to the magic TV. I watched a whole disk of comedy and nothing. Still didn’t want to face the day. I said, why not? and tried to find the cheeriest thing on netflix. Which turned out to be a TED talk “The happy secret to better work,” followed by another TED talk by Jane McGonigal, “The game that can give you 10 extra years of life.” Since I was wasting time, I might as well find out how to get some back.
Well, I feel slightly renewed, but the best takeaway I got was to build a step by step plan or “game” to get myself out of a funk. Jane’s suggestions attacked all sides, but today I’m going to build up my emotional resilience.
Emotional Resilience = combat every negative emotion with 3 positive ones.
Scan the world for positive instead of the negative. Do it until it’s a habit (one talk said 21 days, but I think I’ll do 30 just to be sure.)
Jane’s suggestions include something as simple as looking out a window, or if you’re outside – looking into one. Or my particular favorite, but dangerous game – googling baby animals.
Track your efforts instead of your accomplishments.
I’m going outside after I finish some work, tracking some efforts, not being so hard on myself, and working to live up to my blood type today.
What positive things are you doing this week? Leave me a comment!
Here are those links again:
TED talk “The happy secret to better work” (12.5 minutes)
TED talk “The game that can give you 10 extra years of life.” (19.5 minutes)
I missed a wireless Wednesday, so I’m looking forward to today when I can get off the computer for a little bit, and find a sunny spot with my sketchbook and tea.
Some other bright spots in my week:
– Learned to finally knit at a weekly knitting night. I’m starting with a cat mat for this shelf my cat loves. Hopefully my cat won’t mind the mistakes! and hopefully she won’t tear it apart in 2 seconds when it takes me 3 months to make.
– Went to a bbq at a highschool friend’s new house. Amazing to reminisce with old friends.
– Had a great fair experience! Met some new customers and contacts, got a lot of amazing feedback.
– Had a gyoza & sake party (my new favorite thing) with my family.
Have a great week!
~ cindy
Sunday, I’ll be at the Suffern, NY street fair. 10-5.
Bring your upcoming holidays on a list! I’ll be bringing lots of cards and all of my best-sellers.
Here’s hoping for some sun!
I’m now on instagram! Follow me for some photos direct from the booth.
I’m doing another street fair in Suffern, NY this weekend! If you’re in the area, please stop by.
Sunday, Suffern, NY, 10-5.
Above are some photos of my booth. I learned a lot from the first fair last weekend: how to prep, what to bring, what customers like, how to tie things down so they don’t blow away! It was great to get feedback on my designs. I think the biggest thing is people don’t realize they are hand drawn and created by me. I’m planning on creating some new, obvious signage.
I love to hear what kinds of cards people are looking for. If you have any feedback for me, I’m always open to hearing it! Maybe you really like pigs and you’re sad I don’t have any pig cards.. let me know! I am on the hunt for some great stress-free sayings or quotes to illustrate.
Have a great weekend!
~ Cindy
follow me on instagram.
I’ll be posting photos from the street fair.
Just packed up the car for SeptemberFest! Bringing a lot of cards, including this new fireflies one that was printed just in time.
See you tomorrow, rain or hopefully shine!
SeptemberFest • Nyack, NY
10-5, Main Street & Park, look for the green tent!
Happy Friday! Started off today with a 2 hour hike! Adventure-style. Whenever I’m on vacation, I would go on these type of adventures all the time. I get this feeling that I don’t want to sleep late, I don’t want to miss anything, I want to plan the day! Then I get home and I forget that I can still do this.. Well, I’m bringing it back!
There is room for this in my work and life. In fact, I had like 8 ideas while trudging up Mt. Beacon. I’m inspired by nature, the way plants grow, the tiny animals. Hope you enjoy the photos below.
I wonder what kind of butterfly (moth?) this guy will become.
Pattern: Round Cherry Flowers
This is one of my favorite designs to date.. isn’t Saturn pretty? ..and I just realized that it wasn’t in my etsy shop yet!
Don’t worry, it’s available now for all of your fall weddings — New Rings
This card and loads of other goodies will be available in person in Nyack at Septemberfest on Sunday!
Wednesday, I’ll be busy busy folding, scoring and packing cards for my very first craft/street fair! – a very wireless activity.
Catch me at SeptemberFest:
Nyack, NY. Main Street – Sunday, September 8th, 10-5
I’ll be in spot B-14 with a green tent.
Keep your fingers CROSSED for awesome weather! Cross ’em! Start now. Thank you!
Now that I’m doing something consistent on Wednesdays, it feels like the Wednesdays come up so soon!
Hope you can find some wireless time today. Happy Wednesday!
I signed up for NSS 2014! Super excited and bursting with ideas on how to improve my booth, designs and approach to next year’s show. It’s also a big investment dream of mine to exhibit at NYNOW one year – which is more of a gift show. I’m working on some gift items and will hopefully have them completed by the Stationery Show in May.
For some amazing, extensive coverage of NYNOW, pour yourself another cup of coffee and check out Oh So Beautiful Paper’s blog. That link is to parts 3-7 and then my favorites the stationery booths part 1 and part 2.
That’s really all I have for you today.. unpacking has been exhausting and neverending.. but gearing up for some new designs for you soon! Happy Weekend!
Doing another wireless Wednesday! And it really was wireless this morning because optimum had to come fix our internet speed. It’s MUCH faster.. and one of the simple things that the technician reminded me to do was go to my history and delete cookies and cache.. do it! So much better. He said since I probably browse a lot of images, it definitely slowed me down.
However, back to the wirelessness.. today I’m going to ink a drawing, take some photos of stuff that has to go online, take a walk or bike ride, and do some relaxing! I was sick yesterday, so I think some relaxing is overdue.
I’ve been learning from others – especially my husband – that I should be more goal-oriented and less reactionary to what comes through my emailbox. So I’m doing some goal-setting this week, making a list and getting through it!
With a couple weeks left to the actual summer (where did it go?), What are you going to do this week?
[ Pattern is Rosa Peach by me. ]
When I lived in the city, I think I took advantage of the fact that I could go to the nearest club for a measly $20 cover and a $15 drink and dance the night away! I miss those days. My wallet is a little fatter though.. My friends knew that if they told me “There will be dancing,” I was usually convinced to go out. I’ll have to plan a night out soon.. going to have to save my pennies.
Here is one of the letterings I did on my productive Wireless Wednesday yesterday. I’m particularly happy with the Fancy D. D’s are one of my weak letters. They usually look the same as when I wrote them in 2nd grade, but I’m kinda happy with the flourish on this guy. There Will Be Dancing will hopefully make it into my next round of prints. Hope you like it!
I’m bringing Wireless Wednesdays back! My connection to the digital world will be limited to checking work email briefly in the morning and at night. I’m not going to keep my email open and click on the window every time the little number goes up.. that goes for twitter too. Not going to be a slave to the facebook notifications. I won’t (will limit) my tv watching and draw, go for a bike ride or read instead. Ok ok, no tv.
I did this before and it was crazy the amount of work I was able to get done, and the amazing amount of extra time I have to do things like read a book.
Who’s with me? Let it go!

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about me
Hi! Thanks for visiting. Drawing and creating has become a way for me to de-stress. I'd like to do it more often. This is a space for me to share my art and inspiration, my card designs, and to remind myself to stress less.
My card business and moving outside of NYC [gasp] is a new adventure in my life and I'm happy to be able to share it with you. Feel free to drop me an email cindy [ at ] cynla.com, leave a comment or two, or visit my website (www.cynla.com) and shop (cynla.etsy.com).
Happy de-stressing!
~ Cindyfrom the shop
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